Thursday, November 25, 2010

The VelociRapture: a work in progress

The four horseraptors of the apocalypse.

This is just the beginning phase of what I hope will be a miniature installation (if I can find an appropriate nook in which to install it). It's based on a very inspiring pun I came up with a few months back. I was going to draw it, but then I figured, "Shit, why not build it?" I am primarily a sculptor, after all.

Of course this sort of thing can quickly digress into Raptor Circus.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A couple days ago I was sitting in a cubicle at work, when the tiniest anvil ever fell out of the sky on me. Ok, actually it fell out of the hand of Amanda, who had been put up to it by Brenna.

Of course you know, this means war.

Brenna was on her weekend at the time, so before I took off yesterday I left a tiny (and somewhat janky) paper banana peel on her cubicle floor. I can only hope that this escalates further. As Amanda put it, "Work should be more like a cartoon."

In all seriousness though, if there are two things I love, they are:
A. Anvils
B. Miniatures

Well played, Brenna. Well played.